BCC warns that skills mismatch will undermine UK PLC
The British Chambers of Commerce (BCC) has published its 'Skills and Employment Manifesto' to address the "skills mismatch" between education and work.
A lack of relevant skills is a particular issue among school leavers, the BCC said, affecting organisations trying to employ them.
In response to this problem, the document demands a radical change in the state education system, including a new universal qualification for literacy, numeracy and foreign languages, as well as a commitment from schools to start giving children career advice in primary, rather than secondary, schools. It also calls for greater partnership between Ofsted and employers, to ensure schools are rated not only on their academic results, but on their ability to prepare their pupils for the world of work.
Nora Senior, president of the BCC, said: "Skills will decide who wins and who loses in a 21st century economy - yet employers across the UK constantly say they struggle to find prospective employees, particularly those leaving education. With change occurring at such a rapid pace, if Britain doesn't keep up, employers will be unable to access the skills they need, putting them at a huge disadvantage."
In addition to calling for more regular contact with a greater variety of employers, the manifesto wants all employment policy to become the responsibility of the Department for Business Innovation and Skills, with the BCC on-hand to offer independent advice to support SMEs on increasing investment in apprenticeships and workplace training.
The BCC also wants the culture of blame between government, business and interests groups to finally be put aside, with business taking more of a proactive role in defining the skills they need.
Senior said: "Although we believe successive governments have failed our young people by not properly equipping them for their future careers, it is time to break away from the blame game. Various organisations continue to blame each other for a lack of 'work readiness' among young people, but it is time for everyone to accept some responsibility, and find ways to move forward."
She added: "Government, schools, colleges and employers must all work together in the coming months and years to ensure that the UK has a workforce that is fit for purpose. Failure to do so risks consigning generation after generation to a less prosperous future."
The launch of the manifesto coincides with a report published today by the UK Commission for Employment and Skills. It revealed that 22 per cent - or 124,800 of 559,600 job vacancies in England - are so-called "skills shortage vacancies". According to the Office for National Statistics, there were 920,000 unemployed 16- to 24-year-olds in November 2013.