Every business leader knows the challenges that come with effecting long term cultural change. It is said that ‘slowness to change usually means fear of the new ‘. This is often the case. But why?
Change - people can be fearful and threatened by what it might mean and how it may affect them. This can lead to raised anxiety and stress levels. If we provide learning strategies to support people, and most importantly help them gain insight into why they may feel this way, then the path to sustainable cultural change can be a smooth one. Bolt from the You believe that raising real self -awareness (insight around our triggers and stimulus) across all levels of an organisation, is critical to the success of permanent cultural change.
Once real self- awareness levels are raised, we are then more open to new ideas and thoughts, and this is when Attention Density comes in to play.
Taken from the area of Neuroscience, Attention Density is the concept that when we learn the brain changes neural pathways. If you give enough focus and attention to a new way, the brain will start to fire neurons in new patterns. If you continue to focus and concentrate then these new patterns will become permanent.
Attention Density = (exposure + repetition + application) = permanent change.
Once we have real self- awareness we can be open to Exposure ; the introduction of new ideas, concepts and thoughts, then Repetition and Application will eventually mean that these become ‘the norm’ and partof our long term memory. Self -awareness and Attention Density can lead to positive outcomes and permanent change. Find out more about how we work with organisations to help achieve these results. www.boltfromtheyou.com/attention-density